There's a bit of a colour gap in the garden at the moment. The spring bulbs are over, and although the apple blossom is out and the forget-me-nots are thriving in a delicate drift, there is little to seize the eye and provide zest. The pale blues and whites are submerged by the thuggish greenery of May, as all and sundry thrust out their leaves and crawl across the soil. But there is one thing. Thank you, Violas. I sowed two packets of viola seeds last autumn - one I had purchased and the other came free with a magazine. I left them to their own devices in the greenhouse over winter, and then when the first signs of spring came I put the little plants into the hanging baskets on my shed, and into a couple of small patio pots. You have to plant them in something small unless you have a heck of a lot of them, otherwise they look wimpish. It was easy, no fuss, but now those little faces are making a fuss of the best kind. Their vivid yellow and purple faces are nodding away in their ...
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