
Showing posts from December, 2020

I Do Avocado

Some years ago I discovered the fun to be had with an avocado. No I don't mean eating them - this is a gardening blog not a cookery one - although I must admit eating avocados is a favourite past time. I mean that I found out how easy it is to get a new plant from an avocado stone. All you need to do is to clean any residue flesh off and stick it in some compost in a plant pot. That's it. Keep the soil moist and the pot in a warm bright place and it will soon send a shoot out of a crack in the stone. Not so long after this you will get a lovely house plant with glossy green leaves. Unfortunately they can take years to fruit and they will soon outgrow their pots so you're never going to be able to just pop into the kitchen and pluck an avo from the plant.  A couple of years ago, I had a plant that had outgrown its pot and I decided that it was time to get rid of it and start off a new stone. However, being a total softie who grows attached to her houseplants, I could not bri

The Rose Widow

I've been writing poems and short stories inspired by old postcards.  Here's one about an obsessive gardener. Visit my Amazon page for more bijou fiction